Does God Exist?

A question that many have asked, “Does God Exist”? Some people would say Yes, He is the Almighty Governor of this universe and his presence is unquestionable. His supreme presence is divine and can be sought only with a pure heart and a belief in Him.

For those who are still in search, let us just find answers to this and clear the ambiguity in the minds.

The Superlative Governance lies in His hands
The universe is bound under laws that they must obey. The gravitational pull is something that the Earth has and it always attracts things towards itself, irrespective of the material they are made of. The same gravitational pull acts differently for the moon that is just 1/6th the capability of Earth. On the other hand, the Sun’s gravitational pull is mighty enough to keep 8 planets in their orbit. Everything has a defined set of principles on which they have to work. But who is setting up these principles and enforcing them?

 It is the supreme Governor who is the King of this world and the other worlds that might exist somewhere else. 

"All-praise to the unity of God, and all-honor to Him, the sovereign Lord, the incomparable and all-glorious Ruler of the universe, Who, out of utter nothingness, hath created the reality of all things, Who, from naught, hath brought into being the most refined and subtle elements of His creation, and Who, rescuing His creatures from the abasement of remoteness and the perils of ultimate extinction, hath received them into His kingdom of incorruptible glory." - Baha'u'llah

He is Independent of the laws that He has set-up for the universe 
If He were to work under laws, then He would still have limited powers. Even nature works under a law of maintaining the balance of life on this Earth. 
Scientists say that the formation of Milky Way is a consequence of the Big Bang Theory, but nobody has ever been able to answer from where that huge mass and energy appeared for Big Bang to happen, or where the rules of nature and physics came from in order to make the Big Bang possible in the first place. Obviously the rules of nature must have existed before the Big Bang or there could be no Bang :).
It was His decisions that lead to the formation of the world that we know it now. 

"O SON OF BOUNTY! Out of the wastes of nothingness, with the clay of My command I made thee to appear..." - Baha'u'llah

His compositions are under His control 
We all are the compositions of the Almighty. Humans are considered as the supreme creation of God because; we can talk, walk and most importantly, think and we can discover and innovate. Scientists again have successfully concluded that the current human population has evolved from the ancestral ape forms and they further evolved from some other lower form, in the same way that on a tree there is first the wooden stem, then the delicate flower, then last comes the wonderful fruit. We have powers such as insight, knowledge, forgiveness, vision, and so forth - which are all powers that are missing from nature. If our God was simply "nature" then we should not be so superior to nature which can neither think nor act!

"O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life" - Baha'u'llah

So we can conclude- Yes, God exists and His bounty and influence is everywhere. For more such questions, read along on the website of One Global Faith. They may have answers to your inner questions.


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