Why is Religion Important? A quest to find the truth

Before we move to the importance of religion, let us just peep into what actually religion is. It is outwardly a set of beliefs and principles observed by a group of people, but inwardly it is the teachings and commandments of God Himself to mankind. As the needs of each era in human history vary, the Prophets of God have throughout history revealed Faiths that most effectively addressed the specific needs and capacities of those whom they were educating, it is for this reason that they vary in their social teachings and non-essentials, however their spiritual teachings, such as love for others, overcoming of vices, and so forth, are all identical.

Now the question arises as to why is religion important? Many philosophers, literature elites and historians have shared their view regarding the significance of religion. A more thorough listing of reasons is available on the link above, however several other reasons are:

Unifying Factor

There is no more powerful and effective method at unifying large groups of people from varying backgrounds and inspiring them to love than the power of true religion. If the educative influence of religion was not there, people would naturally stray and over time return to their initial materialistic , selfish, and untrained state. This makes it quite important why religion is and should remain prevalent in society.

Guiding Light

Some may not believe in the existence of God but if their ancestors were religious they would certainly have been influenced by religion and carry certain spiritual principles that are beneficial for personal and social well-being. Religion not only provides for personal transformation, but it also paves the path for humans to prosper alongside other fellow beings and other creatures. It gives us the guiding principles to move on the path of truth and self-discipline so that other beings are not affected by our wrongdoing. The true answer to why religion is important is that it is the guiding light to live a blessed life in this mortal world, grow spiritually, and attain the knowledge and love of God.

Refuge to all sufferings 

Man is full of emotions and many-a-times his life fills with sorrow. Religion provides the strength to endure the disappointing times and wait patiently for the right time. It may happen that a materialistic person becomes completely without hope and full of despair at the loss of his job, or the loss of his material health, wheras a religious person, aware of the loving providence of his Creator is far from hopelesness and even does not fear death as he knows that man is not simply a body, but a soul, in a body. When times are rough, one may try to find solace in other things and sometimes may even abandon the righteous path. It is our religious practices that keeps us away from malpractices and hopelesness and keeps our faith kindled in God. If we listen to the Prophets of Gods, we will surely find the answers to our sufferings.

We hope you enjoy the blog (OneGlobalFaith.org) , and live peacefully.


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