How to find God - The answer lies within

Find God - he isn’t hiding from you, you’re the one hiding from him!
You pray, but your prayers bounce back to you unheard and that’s when the question arises - where is God? Is he even there or not?
This big question is a bit controversial, but for the ones who have faith - it’s a simple yes! 
Well, if you’re still wondering about how to find God, then there’s a long way to go. Some people take years to find God, while others would pass this long way in a brief moment and become inflamed with the love of God upon reading a single sacred verse, or coming briefly into the awe-inspiring presence of Baha'u'llah.

"O SON OF BOUNTY! Out of the wastes of nothingness, with the clay of My command I made thee to appear, and have ordained for thy training every atom in existence and the essence of all created things. Thus, ere thou didst issue from thy mother’s womb, I destined for thee two founts of gleaming milk, eyes to watch over thee, and hearts to love thee...." - Baha'u'llah

Well, if you’re hunting for the ways that can help you find God, then just keep on reading!

God can’t be seen directly in materialistic things out there. In the same way that the love you feel for your family cannot be observed with a microscope, or found inside your heart - even though it exists. This is because spiritual things have no shape or appearance. What we can observe however of spiritual things is their effects on the physical world.

God has never been far from you
Despite God is always near his creations, an individual needs to have that positive inner consciousness to find him. No matter how far we think God is from us, he is still surrounding us and within us. 

The influence of our inner state
An individual needs to be in the state which is receptive to the grace of God. The influence of our inner state is quite important for finding the presence of God. So, make sure to clear out your mind and de-clutter your thoughts for finding God. 

Purity of heart
Without having a pure heart and a clean soul, you can’t find God. A pure heart is like a polished mirror, free from dust. Well, that’s what can help you to find the supreme power - God. 

Nobility of actions
Not everyone is noble with their actions. However, for winning God’s grace this is definitely something that should be present in you. Your actions define who you are and that’s what really matters in case you’re willing to find God.

If you’re constantly searching for how to find God, then make sure to explore ONEGLOBALFAITH.ORG as it contains greater details.
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