World Peace| Realistic approach to achieving World Peace

“Let your vision be world-embracing, rather than confined to your own self.”

-Baha’i Writings

These are times where technology is turning the world into a compact place. This is somehow working to close the gaps in our mindsets. With human beings getting the ability to communicate better with global counterparts and travel means becoming more convenient and economical, the world community can come closer.

Visionaries aptly and astutely observe that times are favourable for ushering world peace and winning the world through inclusive actions and love. Gone are the old times when a single person would use a particular community to make war to establish their rule over others.

There is a need for visionaries and leaders to whom people look up to emphasise on the oneness of mankind. Though we have a variety of cultures, traditions, religious beliefs, with the thread of basic oneness connecting us, these variations can rather be adornments of the human race.

Unfortunately, the past has various examples where differences have been made a reason for hating others, but through our personal experience and common understanding, we know that our differences bring spice in life. We all have experienced the fascination of seeing and visiting new lands, meeting new people, watching wildlife in their habitat and experiencing the traditions of other cultures!
Diversity and distinctions: A Thread of Oneness

The diversity is also a binding thread that introduces us to the beautiful feeling of giving respect and love. By nurturing our positive feelings like these towards others and realising that the entire human race is one species created by the same God, and that all human beings are equal in worth, the world will become a place of harmony. For example caste prejudice will no longer exist as people would realise they are all humans, neither will concern for ones own country be at the expense or exclusion of "foreigners", as people from other countries will no longer be considered foreigners!

When you are surrounded by a variety of resources, which can be in the form of people; men, women, children of different cultures and countries, you are more likely to get greater ideas and visions. Each human being yearns to be resourceful at his or her own level, whether through doing business, writing, engineering, offering innovation in technology, painting and so much more.

Using small efforts at the level of each human being, involving offering something unique, while relishing and using the variations, the globe can achieve not only peace but also prosperity.

Lessons from past

A good thing that conflicts of the past did is to teach us why endeavours to use geopolitical, economic, religious and ethnic differences are in vain and just end in suffering.  At present, in a world sitting on a mine of nuclear explosives having the potential to eliminate the whole of humanity and life on Earth in one go, world peace is the most important thing. The Baha'i affirmation that 'world peace is not only possible but inevitable' holds so true.

You may visit One Global Faith in order to understand what you can do on your part to help achieve world peace.


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