What are the tools for seeking God?

“The light you are seeking has always been within.”- Anonymous

Every sentient being on the Earth, and maybe also anywhere in the Universe is looking for happiness and bliss. While we may think that most of the human beings on the Earth are not in the quest for searching God, when they seek fulfilment and bliss, they are indirectly seeking God.

However, there are some wiser ones are seeking the Ultimate Reality as they have understood that in this world of duality, pleasure and sorrow would come together like ‘conjoined twins’.

To become a seeker, it is important to comprehend that this world, as it appears to our five senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste is transient and inconsistent.  Thus, the happiness and pleasures we get from this world are also bound to change as this is the law on the Universe.

That is why a truly smart way of remaining blissful and contented is seeking a permanent source of joy. And that is what seers and wise men have referred to as God. God is not a readily comprehensible reality like any tangible entity around us. He/She cannot be said to be a human being or a creature dwelling in a particular place above in the skies, but an existential reality present right within our hearts.

Are you a seeker?
When it comes to the realm of devotion, it is important to be a seeker than a worshipper alone. A seeker of God is bound to find the Ultimate Truth hiding deep in our consciousness through consistent and deep effort.

It is a matter of fact that if you put in the right amount of effort and have a good guide by your side, you can find God within and also in the Universe in your this very birth. It is not an unattainable thing as is often emphasised by people around us.

In fact, the journey of seeking God is full of beauty and wonder. You would discover many hidden secrets about your own being and Nature. It is but natural that those around you would consider you as an exceptional and gifted person after you get experiential knowledge and glimpses of reality.

However, there are certain important conditions which are necessary for the seeker of God to fulfil and understand. These can be called as keys of treading the path of self-realisation and Godhood.

First of all, one should be able to be detached from the bonds limiting you to the unreal world.  Secondly, you require having a firm and loving resoluteness to remain on the path. Your sincerity of practice on the path shown by your master and guide would determine how resplendently you can reach your destination, which is right within you.

You can find out much more about seeking God and being in tune with yourself by visiting One Global Faith.


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